A U T O M O T IV E   S A F E T Y   R E S E A R C H   I N S T I T U T E

Volkswagen IRV Research Reports AT ASRI

Volkswagen IRVW


Volkswagen IRV Performance Fact Sheet  
Modified Integrated Vehicle, Volume 1, Final Report, September 1983  
Database for Light-weight Automotive Diesel Power Plants, Prelim Report,  June, 1977  
Database for Light-weight Automotive Diesel Power Plants, Volume I, Executive Summary,  DOT HS-805 276, 1979  
Database for Light-weight Automotive Diesel Power Plants, Discussion and Results, Data, Volume II,  DOT HS-805 277, 1979  
Database for Light-weight Automotive Diesel Power Plants, Volume III,  DOT HS-805 278, 1979  
NHTSA Memo on the Background of the Volkswagen IRV Project