Finite Element Modeling of the Carotid Artery, Task 3
Far-side Project, Final Report 2008-020, by Danelson, Gayzik, S., Yu, M.,
Duma, S., and Stitzel, J., VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury
Biomechanics, October 8, 2008. |
An Experimental and Computational Study of Blunt Carotid
Artery Injury, Paper by Gayzik, S., Bostrom, O., Ortenwall, P., Duma, S., and Stitzel, J.,
VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics, 2007 |
Plan for Carotid Artery Model, CIB Report 2004-170, by
Stitzel, J., Kennedy, E., and Duma, S., VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics,
October 22, 2004. |
Analysis of Computational Neck Models, CIB Report 2004-090,
by Kennedy, E., Stitzel,.J., and Duma, S., VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics,
June 4, 2004. |
Failure Properties of the Thoracolumbar Human Spine, CIB Report 2006-100,
by Kemper, A., and Duma, S., VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics,
June 23, 2006. |
Characterization of the Carotid and Adjacent Anatomy for
Biomechanical Model Development, CIB Paper, by Lambert, C., Gayzik, S.,
and Stitzel, J., VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics, 2006. |
Mesh Development for a Finite Element Model of the Carotid Artery,
CIB Paper, by Gayzik, S., Tan, J., Duma, S., and Stitzel, J., VaTech/Wake Forest Center for Injury Biomechanics,
2006. |
Computational Neck Models, CIB Presentation, by
Kennedy, E., June 4, 2004. |
Data for Modeling Carotid Injury, CIB Presentation,
by Stitzel, J., October 24, 2004. |
Carotid Modeling Update, CIB Presentation, by
Stitzel, J., June 5, 2005. |
Carotid Artery Injury Mechanisms and Modeling, CIB Presentation,
by Gsyzik, S., April, 2006. |
Experimental & FEM Pig Carotid Artery Under Dynamic Loading,
CIB Presentation, by Gayzik, S., October 2006. |
Integration of Carotid Artery Model with NHTSA Neck, CIB Presentation,
by Danelson, K., October, 2007. |
Carotid Artery Development Strategy, CIB Presentation,
by Gayzik, S., January, 2007. |
Integration of Carotid Model into the Neck and THUMS
CIB Presentation, by Danelson, K., April, 2008. |